Welcome, radiant soul

My name is Ashley River, and I am an artist, oracle, mystic, published author, ceremonialist, healer and teacher.

I wrote a book on ritual called Tending to the Sacred, and an oracle deck called Messages from the Heart of the Divine.

I hold deep space for radical feminine liberation, initiation into your soul’s song, and return to your nature. I am in service to the pulse of creation and the flames of desire, holding a flashlight through the dark night of your feminine descent journey, through the depths of death, so that you may widen your capacity to birth new realities, hold more life, feel more pleasure and purpose, and show up fully expressed in your power, magic, and ancient mystery as you weave the web of your life.

This Substack was birthed from a desire to be more vulnerable, raw, piercing, and direct in my sharing without social media's censorship, distraction, and distortion, and to call forth those who are devoted to feminine healing and are ready to receive and connect to the oracular guidance and story medicine I share. In this space, I will be offering the following:

  • Vulnerable and deep shares from the untangling and re-weaving of ancestral, familiar, and karmic limitations through the lens of an oracle

  • Rituals for un-binding from limitation, threshold crossing, and feminine initiation

  • Cosmic weather reports around the current energetics and themes

  • Ancient Earth teachings around the energetics of creativity

  • Feminine and mystical musings—death, grief, divorce, mother wounds, the otherworlds, past-lives, taking up space as a woman, divine desire, and more.

  • Bonus audio transcripts on select pieces

  • Myth weavings and ancient stories

  • Plant and elemental wisdom

    I can’t wait to connect with you more!

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Medicine stories and oracular wisdom from the belly of The Mother to inspire you to liberate your feminine power, reclaim your desires, and birth your divine artistry. By Ashley River


Ashley is an artist, mystic, writer, & soul midwife. Through her sharp & clear embodied wisdom, she holds deep space for feminine liberation, guiding you to widen your capacity to birth new realities & be fully expressed in your divine artistry